Tuesday, 21 October 2014


If you read the passage with the intervention of the Holy Ghost, then you would see things others couldn’t see, and understand what others couldn’t understand. Especially the meaning of ‘last shall be first’.
 Three set of workers were used by Christ. The first set of workers who had started working since morning they were hired, by the vine owner. This first set represents those who have been in right with God almighty, right from the beginning (the Israelites). They have not hesitated, or ignore the call to work in God’s vine yard.
The second set are those, though were not in right with God right from the start, but were later called. And they too, obeyed.
The last set, were those who had gone round wasting their time, they did not hear or accept the truth or acknowledged Christ Jesus to be their God, and source of  everything that is good. Doing all such of immoral things, and soon realized that, they have been wasting their time (the gentiles). He said to then why are you there wasting your time, anything that is outside God is really a waste of time. But God is always waiting to welcome anyone who wants to surrender to him. And he gave them also the right to be called sons and children of God.
The vine yard, is the service of God. We are all called to honour.
The copper coin is the wage or gift of God to those who work in his vine yard which is eternal life’. Whether big or small, insofar we are right with God, on that last day it is eternal life. This ideal really sounds unfair to the first set, forgetting that there is nothing better than eternal life of God. Only the best God gives. It was a bargain that a day’s job is a copper coin. We are told that God is not happy seeing sinners perishing, he would rather like to see them repent and be saved (EZ 18:23). He is compassionate, we too should be. We should be happy to see sinners repent. The principle is this: if a righteous man stops doing good, and starts doing evil. God said in his word that none of his good will be remembered (EZ 18:24). Also if a sinner stops doing evil and does what is right he will saved (EZ 18:21). Note, the ending is better than the beginning. This since very unfair to the first workers, (the Israelites) and the complained bitterly that isn’t right (EZ 18:25-32). One thing we should all know as true follower of Christ is that as the scripture says: the way of God is not the way of man (). As far as the heaven from the earth, is God’s thought from man’s.
Most Christians would rather be jealous, and envy than to rejoice and celebrate when a lost ship (sinners) is found by the owner (creator). Some always criticized and condemn, doing the work of God, Christ Jesus is and he alone should be the judge. Christ say to such people; be there criticizing while the so called prostitutes and thieves are making their way to heaven.
We are all on the same move but different routes, so let’s help one another to get there. You have nothing to lose only something to gain. God bless you as you always do what is right Amen!

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