Saturday, 28 February 2015


The following below are the ways to know if you have a bad mouth odour.
§    You always win an argument quickly.
§    You are explaining something to your friends and they are looking at another direction.
§    Anytime you yawn and a dog besides you begins to bark.
§    You want to whisper something to your friend’s ear and he/she starts telling you that he/she knows what you wanted to say.
§    You try to sing for a baby and he/she starts crying.
§    Your pastor is praying for everybody in the church, when it gets to your turn, he will instruct you not to say Amen.
§    When you start receiving tooth paste as a gift.
§    When you sing on a microphone and nobody wants to use the mic again.
§    When you yawn BEDC seizes light when you notice any or all of those, consult a dentist.
§    When mosquito bites your lips he dies immediately.
§    When you sing mosquito insect in your room dies.